Monday, October 20, 2014

Safety sign at NASA! This might look like mockery, but I’m a firm believer in ergonomics, especially in the studio.
This weekend I took a field trip to Moffatt Field, home of NASA, for their 75th anniversary tour. While very space age with wind tunnels, an airplane hanger, and a Mars rover navigating a hilly field, the campus was also filled with retro safety signs, and words like “Auditorium” spelled out on building facades in Helvetica 80001 point font. My dad was stationed at Moffatt Field back before I was born, and it was fun picturing him hanging out, as I strolled around for a grand total of eight miles (per my Fitbit).
Since I’ve just received a week’s worth of exercise, I’m looking forward to hunkering down for awhile to draw pictures for greeting cards and sculpt miniature Muni buses and animal shot glasses. I’ll also be dreaming up Halloween costumes and keeping an ear open for a good party. Just 10 days till Halloween, and despite spending a lot of time brainstorming costumes for an upcoming Bold Italic article, I’ve yet to arrive upon the perfect idea.
Interesting culinary experience: Calamari nachos at NASA’s 75th anniversary tour Art in progress: Muni buses, holiday greeting cards, silicon valley greeting cards, animal shot glasses Best gift: White cashmere sweater from the Esalen free box. Thank you, Barb! Thoughtful read: Letter by Thomas Duncan’s nephew Inspiring conversation: With Sumudu about completing our creative projects. Best purchase: Fox + Wabi-Sabi tats, keeping me current on my permanent temporary tattoo tradition.
In writing: I have an article in next Monday’s The Bold Italic! This is quite possibly the first and last thing I’ll ever write that starts with the word “Awesomely”. Though hoping that it’ll be the first of many pieces in The Bold Italic. In clay: I’m helping organize a workshop at Ruby’s Clay Studio where Correen Abbott will demo throwing large pots upside down. I can’t even quite imagine it, but looking forward to having my curiosity quenched in just two weeks!
Happy Monday, everyone! Thanks for reading.
1 Rough estimate
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