Democracy, Big Bowls, Quiche, Muni, an Otter, plus a Fox
Monday, November 10, 2014
This week, I’m trying out more photos and less text. Not pictured: me getting new glasses (San Francisco has become slightly less foggy!), fabulous weather, me making holiday cards (sneak peek in my shop), and me with my nose in Edan Lepucki‘s new-ish book California. I’ve been dying to read it since I heard her speak this summer and it’s as good (and as dark!) as promised.

I voted! Plus check out my first Tattly brand temporary tattoo.1

Best monthaversary gift ever.2 Wheel on the back turns to add numbers until I reach the otter reward. Since receiving, I’ve yet to stub my toe, tweak my knee, or strain a wrist. Hurray! I think it’s working.3

Last weekend, Coreen Abbott demonstrated throwing big at Ruby’s Clay Studio. My mind is still reeling. While I plan to continue working small, I’m going to use this as inspiration to do other things in big ways.

Quiche for a friend’s baby shower! Elizabeth, here I am putting it in writing, that’ll I’ll bake you more when the baby is born.

My muni buses are all glazed and fresh out of the kiln. Stay tuned for fancy stuff like windows, doors, and the wires that connect them to the power lines.
1 Don’t worry Mom. It’s fake.
2 From the best boyfriend ever. Thank you, Jon!
3 Knock on wood.
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